Saturday, 8 September 2007

Gayaza School - Kampala

For more details about Gayaza School please see "comments"
To ask questions about Gayaza School send them via "comments"


Ronald said...

Gayaza High School is an all girls secondary school founded by the church of Uganda.It is located 16km north-east of the capital city,kampala.It is one of the oldest schools and among the best girl's secondary schools.
We are passionate about collaborating with other people and our school is open to visitors.
Our enrolment is approximately 1,100 girls and 72 teachers.
We will be glad to be part of the october youth meeting.

JIYM 08 said...

Thank you for your contribution. I am looking forward to meeting you. Have the students who are coming from Gayaza e-mail/ internet facilities. If you care to send their e-mail addresses ( to I will invite then to contribute to this blog
Richard Johnson

JIYM 08 said...

The deputy head teacher of Gayaza school is Mrs. Victoria Kisarare. The fees for the school range from 450,000 to 500,000 Ush per term. The school has its own swimming pool.