Saturday, 8 September 2007

PMM Jinja Girls School - Jinja

For more details about PMM Jinja Girls School please see "comments"
To ask questions about PMM Jinja Girls School send them via "comments"


JIYM 08 said...

PMM Jinja Girls School was founded in 1958 and its headteacher is Mrs. Petronella Lujwala. There are currently 43 teachers and 752 students of which 302 are borders. There are also 35 boys on 'A' level courses!

Bernice Das said...

Please could you give me some contcat I could talk to who is linked with PMM girls school. I was astudent there in the 1960's. I would love to know more and connect. Mnay thanks
Bernice Das

Bernice Das said...

Would really appreciate email id of anyone who is in contact with PMMgirls school. I would like to visit the school. I am thrilled it is still open to students. Well done!